Saturday, April 17, 2010


Jason has changed by leaps and bounds since he got his dreaded glasses! He has started to talk SO MUCH MORE! In the 2 weeks since we got the spec's he has started to say All Done, Good Job and Uh-Oh! He also now just says deedle deedle deedle over and over. He also has started to say Baby and Hi a lot more. The glasses are a big part of things! So now we make a BIG game out of putting them on, 1! 2! 3! gooooooooooo and on they go!

Jason has tried to get rid of them once or twice too! He threw them at the grocery store and we had to backtrack to find them under a shelf where he tossed them! But the sleuth in mommy remembered when she heard a plunk, thinking she kicked a coin, nope it was the glasses being tossed! ahhhhh Jason's plot was foiled again!

Jason is now wearing them to the park, on play dates, and all over the house. In about 2 weeks we went from HECK NO I am not wearing those to hey ok let me try to put them on! Upside down and backwards but he is trying!

Jason is also learning to put his pants on ( and off) he loves it!

The only issue with this is he can take his pants off when we do not want him to and has done so once, while he was supposed to be sleeping, he removed his pants, his diaper and well I will let your imagination go to what he did with no diaper on, lets just say mommy and daddy had to clean his WHOLE CRIB!

So now Jason is getting more confident in things, he climbs the steps to the slide now, walks around the play area and goes down the slide all by himself! Sorry no pictures of this as I am having to catch him at the bottom of the slide! But he is helping in other ways we can take pictures of, he learned he can help daddy drive! See the comparison pictures of Jason helping Daddy drive right at 6 months to now at 22 months!

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