Hi everyone, I am making mommy type as I sit next to her in my "exasaucer" and play with the toys on it! See me??I love to sit next to mommy while she works on my blog! I must say that this picture was taken just today and some of the one's you will see of me on this post are older by a week or two maybe three! 
This is when we got there, mommy looks SILLY!
Here is my buddy Evan playing with a toy! Look at him stand!
Here is my bud Jake, he is always trying to take my socks off!!!
This is my girl Abby! She is sooo cute!!!
Here is everyone but Jake, I don't know where he was!!!
The month of Feburary has been fun for me! It started with Mommy and Daddy having their 7th wedding anniversary, Daddy had to work out of his normal office that day so it was quiet, he had to work late too so me and Mommy hung out that day! But when daddy came home Mommy made him a good dinner and they had yummy dessert, they were mean to me and did not let me have any of it because it was Chocholate and that would hurt my tummy! But Daddy did buy Mommy a new camera to take better pictures of me with! And mommy gave Daddy a cool leather jacket that looks just like mine!!!
We are to cute together or so everyone says!!!
All my friends and I got together for Valentines day! I have lots of "girl-friends, Abby and Lilly to name a few! I have guy friends too, Jake and Evan! We love to play a lot! Here we are all dressed up for Valentines day with our mommies and each other!

Here I am with Lilly!
There he is after my red sock again! No Jake my sock!!!
Mrs Christina really decorated her house see?? Mommy and I shared my monkey balloons for the day!
We all ate yummy heart shaped bread and cheese and the mommies had some cup-cakes, my mommy shared a LITTLE bit with me shhhh don't tell!
After the play date I got sleeeeeeppppyyyyyy!
Nap time, so we went home! I loved playing with my friends and all the valentines cards I got!
Happy Valentines Day to all my friends and family!!! I love you all!
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