March was and still is fun! It has been very weird in the weather department though! We have had sun and warm days, then snow then rain and hail then more sun then more snow and well you get it! Here is a picture of the snow one day! Mommy and I were at lunch with my good buddy Jake and Mommy's friend Cristina and it started to snow a little, when we left the house it was raining but she knew the snow was coming but not like this!
I am chilling on a sunny day with my cool buddy shades! I am rockin in them!
I am not sure what a birthday means but I know it is important and my friend Jake ( the same buddy I had lunch with in the snow) had one! He turned 1 and everyone made a big deal about it! I liked his party cause I guess we all get one and he got LOTS of good presents, from books to toys to a wagon that Mommy and Daddy and I got him! Then he got cake, I know he liked cake! I had fun playing at his house that day and I will tell you a secret mommy let me taste cake, it was GOOD!!!
Here I am playing at Jake's! I was having a good time with all my friends!
See Jake's pile of presents? YIPPEE for Jake!
Jake got this cool train whistle and train hat and bandanna and train too! The whistle made some cool sounds and he was sharing with daddy to make the noise from it! Way to go Jake!
Look at Jake's cake!
All that cake and playing wore me out!
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