This morning we got the news we had been dreading, a friend of ours in Houston finally succombed to Inflamitory breast cancer. Angie Elliott fought hard and long, getting diagnosed just 2 months after her May 2004 wedding, in July of 2004. Angie pushed herself harder then most healthy people and inspired many to fight the good fight. She got so much done for Inflamitory Breast Cancer research and tought us all so much about not only cancer but about ourselves. I know that in life we all whine about things and little issues in life but when we stand back and look at the issues of others there are always people with worse problems then we have. Yet Angie would always be concerned with others plights. When I lost all my babies even the first one as she was finding out she had cancer she would reach out to me. And in June and July of this year she was still in awe of Jason, while she was fighting for her life. She would see his pictures I sent out and send a reply, that was touching. I am so sad that we were not able to see her when we were in Houston last, we asked her and her husband Colin to the shower but Angie was not up to it...I have copied some pictures from her website that Colin kept us all upto date on.

Angie and Colin when Angie's hair grew back brown and curly!
Angie will be missed! She truly inspired others in her fight, she fought to the end hard, there were times that the Dr's said this is it and she bounced back. We were all thinking that she would bounce back again this time and in time she would beat this horrible killer called cancer. We all have to donate and some how some way find a cure for this silent and fast killer!
The blessing about Angie passing on, is her personal walk with Jesus Christ her personal Lord and Saviour. Through it all she kept her faith and even made it stronger. A true inspiration. I know that the angels above are singing on high welcoming our friend to her eternal home. A home where she is complete again and we all think she has hair again!

Meremere, so sorry to hear of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with you . Love and hugs, Juile
ReplyDeleteI knew Angie. She is my sister in-laws sister. I did not know her very well yet she has inspired me in ways she will never know. I'm so happy that she had a friend like you because you are absolutely wonderful. She fought hard and will be missed. When I saw her sister's e-mail I really wish that it was for good news. I thought that Angie would some how pull through. Eventually she'd be able to type again and she wouldn't need any more chemo and she'd have kids. What a horrible surprise on a honeymoon. Let me know if you need to talk. I'm on the list of people. -Katrina