Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Say goodbye to a friend and hello to others

Well we are back from our whirl wind trip to Houston for the funeral of Angie Elliott. The service was beautiful and fitting for Angie. There were tears, alot of them, and laugh's too! Jason was a trooper and blessed us with a quiet afternoon!! A light went out when Angie passed here on Earth but a beautiful candle is glowing in Heaven now!

It was nice to catch up with friends and family in Houston. We were able to stay with my brother Jon. He was thrilled to see Jason and how much he has gown! Jon's dog Alexis thought Jason was a new toy for her to play with and followed us around a lot. She would sit at his bed and whine to play with him or stand on her back legs and beg to play with him!

We had fun seeing everyone, Stephanie was there and played with our little man! he seemed to love Aunt Steph!

We also went to Chico's where Mommy used to work to see Cynthia and Ms. Kay. Jason got to meet the former First Lady Barbara Bush who said he was one of the most beautiful babies! Mommy was not comfortable asking for a picture but everyone there saw and heard her. Even Mrs. Bush's secret service agent declaired him a beautiful baby! My heart was singing! Mrs. Bush has always been a hero of mine and it truly was a highlight of the trip for me!

Here is Jason with Ms Cynthia! Congradulations on your new BLING!

Jason cuddeling with Ms. Kay

Jason also met Aunt Leslie and Uncle Stu. Mommy forgot the camera at this point, she was still on cloud nine about meeting Mrs. Bush! But Stu and Leslie loved on Jason and we all went to dinner!

Mommy failed to get a photo of Aunt Tish but we LOVE the bomber jacket and santa out-fits! Jason will be the rought and tumble little boy in the "camo" outfit and I am sure he will hide and fit into the greenery in our back yard next summer in the outfits! Thanks Aunt Tish!

Uncle Howard ( bubby) with Jason at Lunch

Due to Hurricane Ike my brother Jon had to move office's and we went to see it!

Jon at his desk working hard!

Jason chilling

Jon changing Jason's diaper on the new couch!

On our last day in Houston we had dinner with my cousin Eric the soon to be Dr who gets a lot of calls from us, his wife Gina, Eric's grandmother Mary, Uncle Howard and a friend of Howard's Maddie! YUMMY BBQ!

Jason and Grandma Mary

Eric and Gina a group effort feeding Jason YUMMY

The Dr to be learning to feed the baby!

We saw Mommies old Dr. Dr F and his nurse Holly, to show him what we finally did! That was a fun moment! Holly loved on Jason a lot and just stared at him in awe! Dr F was pleased to see him and hugged mommy in congradulations!

Mommy just flat out forgot pictures of Erin. We saw each other twice and I was so excited to see her that I forgot to get photo's! Erin knows that she is loved by Mommy and Jason and we have the photo's in our minds and hearts!

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