Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Houston or bust????

Well the first trip with Jason is over and a glowing success with him flying!!! Here is a picture of Jason in FIRST CLASS on the way home!
We got off the plane to HUMIDITY!!! We had forgotten how bad it can be!

We checked into the Hilton and Jason slept the first time since the hospital somewhere other then home in his own crib!

We had a family dinner on Friday night and celebrated Tim's birthday ( my cousin's cousin). Uncle U-U also known as my brother Jon and my Uncle Howard were among those of us at dinner at Pappasito's. YUMMY!!!

Saturday we had a meet and greet with friends and family and that was fun! Here is the cake we had!
We had lots of people there! My good friend Erin and her son had a great time holding Jason!

It was wonderful to see her, she was so great the whole pregnancy for me, giving advice, love and support!!!

We also got to introduce Jason to my cousin Eric and his wife Gina!

Eric is in his final year of Med school and lucky me, in Pediatrics, lots of help! I am sure I may call him a time or two but I asked him first and he said that is ok with him!!!

We also had Uncle Howard and "Aunt Tish" there and Howard Mother in Law Mary, good thing they were there as the party was at Uncle Howard's house! Thanks Howard!!!

Other friends ( ok so I fell down on picture taking!) were there Stephanie and her son Aidan, her mother Pam and her sister Sara. Also Erin's husband Tim and long time friends Stacy and Chris with their girls Payton and Paige! It was amazing to see how much they have grown, Stacy was pregnant with Payton when she was in our wedding!!! Paige was about 1 month old the last time I saw her! She is 3 now! Growing up so fast! Such pretty girls and so cute in pink! Sacha's good friend Arnaud and his wife Marie Clair were there as well as their kids Camilla and Sabastian. Here is a picture of Marie Clair holding Jason!

While in Houston we went to my brother's new office! Decorated so wonderful!! Go JON! Here he is in his new office! This is the fish tank on the wall in his office! So cool!!!

Saturday night we met up with some great friends Tommy and Liz, our old neighbors We had more mexican food and some good times catching up and playing with Jason! We ran into Stephanie and her group of friends at the resturant too! Then we went back to our old street, it was so sad to see my old house and know that I do not live there anymore! But we had a great time with Sacha and Tommy " having solders ( beers) and Lizzy and I chatting and playign with Jason. Their son Ryan came home after work and saw the baby then bolted out ( 17 year old has nothing in common with a baby!)

On Sunday we had been watching the storm in the Gulf of Mexico and decided that with all the weather reporters saying it would hit Lousianna then turn west and good chance Houston would get lots of rain and wind, we decided it was time to get out as soon as we could!

So we ran around that day as much as we could, went to see a old friend of mine Christy and her husband Mike and their 2 year old son Brandon. They could not make the party as Brandon had a fever and she did not want Jason to get sick! THANK YOU! We also saw Maggie at Chico's who I used to work with and showed off Jason!

We were also able to see Damon, a very good friend and have him meet Jason. Damon was a great support in our past losses in not giving up! He was thrilled to meet Jason over coffee and some munchies!

On Sunday with Dinner with a friend Dillon and my brother Jon. We had to have a early dinner and it had to be BBQ! Man it was great!

Now we are home! Sacha took the rest of the vacation he had already and we had family time! We went to Starbucks at Greenlake and Jason napped! All in all it was a great 4 days, a little shorter then we wanted and we did not get to see our "special friends" Stuart and Leslie as they got home Monday afternoon from a trip of their own, so close yet so far! But we are planning on going back to Houston as soon as we can!!!

I have to do laundry and re-pack, Jason and I go to Colorado this weekend with out daddy! I am having a baby shower and showing off our miricle to the many people who prayed for Jason and Sacha and I the whole time! I am excited! Seeing my mother and dad too is wonderful!

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