His eyes are still a issue and infact today we are dialating his eyes for days to see if his prescription is right and then change his bifocals, oh yes let me update. Jason got bifocals in August and it seems to be helping him a lot.
Jason is eating a little better too, our good buddy got Jason to eat PIZZA! That is thrilling..
In August and Sept. Jason and mommy and daddy went to Hawaii with his Mimi and PapaO for a week and Jason is actually just a big ol water and sand baby. He could not get enough. Jason flew GREAT the whole way there and back. I was so proud!
Jason has also grown out of his nursery and just today got to move into his new big boy bedroom. All Thomas all over. We have had a blast decorating it painting it and showing it to him for the first time. It is a work in progress and lots to still do BUT he LOVES it! Jason says Choo choo over and over for Jason.
well that is about all for now. Jason and I are taking a week trip to Colorado to see his Mimi and PapaO for a week. I am excited to see them and I know Jason is!!!
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