OK so we finally got the call that we are in with a very highly regarded speech therapist here! Yippee, we went yesterday to see her bright and early! She played with Jason, listened to him, got him to interact very well and taught us some new games! I was thrilled when we were sitting there playing and Jason looked in the mirror at his eye level, smiled at the reflection, then turned and smiled at me, turned back to his reflection and said BABY! My heart melted on the spot! Jason had a great time, wandering, playing and even jumping on her trampoline! We can only get in once every other week at this point, she is very busy and that is all her schedule can fit for now but we are hopeful that as time goes on we can get in more often, every little bit helps. She did notice, and so have we, that Jason's left eye really seems to be sagging and turning in a lot more. She was concerned about it. We have seen a children eye Dr for it and we were given the all clear, that his bridge of his nose was not as pronounced yet to make it look like his eye was "lazy". Well............... found out that the Dr we saw is not "the best" in the words of the 2 therapists we saw yesterday, so we are seeing a specialist on Thursday. His eye really sags when he is tired and turns in towards the middle. I have been told that something like this can effect so many aspects of a toddlers life and could be a reason for some of his delays. Not sure where we go from here but we will leave no stone unturned to get to the bottom of things. I can imagine that sight issues could be a major issue, over compensating for bad eyesight I could see would slow his other reflexes. We also saw Jason's feeding therapist yesterday and while he ate very little at the appointment, like 3 bites he said another new word in the correct context, when he was finished eating and wanted up he both signed " all done" and kind-of said "all done" came out more all-da, but it was understandable. He is picking up more signs, he knows "more" well, and "milk", he is learning "help" and for please he rubs mommy's chest and not his own. His best is shaking his head no, he does not do the "sign" for no just shakes his head very hard to the point sometimes he gets a little dizzy and falls, it is kinda funny and cute as long as he does not hurt himself.
On a interesting note we are thinking Jason is ready to start potty training, he is very interested in watching himself go to the bathroom of late. So we are getting him a "big boy" potty to start this new phase of life, this could be INTERESTING! Jason will be the ripe old age of 22 months on Friday, I know many boys are late bloomers in talking, potty training, and motor skills, we will have to see where this takes us!
8 years ago