After the bible study Bonnie got to hold he baby since she was not able to make the shower! It was so much fun to see Jason get all the love!
The rest of the week was mainly about family! We had wonderful weather and a great time playing with Jason and taking him to all the old "haunts" I love to go to! We had French Onion Soup ( 2 times!) it is the best french onion soup! I was able to gobble up Chick-fil-a since we do not have that up here in Washington YUMMY!!!
Wednesday night Jason and I took Papa O put to BBQ and some bonding time! Yummy!!
Poor Jason was dressed up in a cute sweat suit that was a gift that made us so happy! I fear he was oblivious to the fact how much we loved the Bronco's, he even slept in Mimi's arm durring the Bronco football game!
While we were there Mommy and Jason looked at new cars! We are LOOKING at a mini van! Long and short of it! I am in love with the van so we will see if it is in the budget BUT...................... upon returning home Mommy broke out in a MAJOR rash and it turns out per the Dermatologist that I may be alergic to the product that car dealerships put on seats to protect them! I will spare you with a photo but just know that I broke out in a blister like rash head to toe in red blisters and a rash! Ummmm really want a mini van???? ( YES! seats can be cleaned!)
Here are some pictures of our time just hanging out at home with Mimi and Papa O while waiting on word from our family in Houston and all our friends with the invasion of Ike the terrible!
Jason sleeping in Mimi's arms!