Hello friends and family, this is my first attempt at a "blog". I decided it was high time to start one so everyone can keep up with Jason and his growth and how "the Dawes" are doing in the pacific north west!
Jason and mommy are getting out more and more. We have joined other mommies in the area in play dates and walking group so Mommy can loose the "extra" weight she has. We also had a one on one play date with Katy and Evan who are also from Texas via North Carolina. Evan is 2 weeks younger then Jason and they both look so much alike! I will have to attach a picture of our first play date!
Jason is starting to smile a lot now! One sure way to make him smile is give him a bath! He loves the water and giggles and coo's the whole time until we take him out, he wants to stay in there! But we are learning to make him smile other ways, believe it or not he smiles a lot when you wipe his face if he has spit up a little or just to make him giggle! It is a riot and will melt your heart!
I will work on attaching pictures of Jason and Mommy and Daddy! We are all changing day by day and growing as a family! I can not imagine my life without Jason, it feels like he really complete's our life!
On Sunday August 3rd we had Jason's 2 month ( and one day) pictures taken. Some of them turned out great and we bought a lot! This little guy is one photogenigic little guy! He was great for part of the time while we were there, then he decided it was time to eat and NOTHING we could do would calm him down. The location was great about it and gave us 30 minutes to feed him and burp him and change him then came in and took more photo's. It made all the difference in the world!

I can not believe that Jason is 2 months old already, I look back on it and think where did the time already go?? Jason is sleeping a little longer these days at night, anywhere from 4 and a half hours to 5 and a half hours which both Sacha and I are loving!!! Jason is teaching us HIS routine! and it still includes a 2:30-3 am feeding and a 7 am feeding, but he can take a bottle at 9:30 pm and sleep through to 2:30 am and that is WONDERFUL!
I feel so bad for poor Sacha, he is tired a lot but he is a trooper! I know it is time to transition Jason to his own room but I am having a hard time moving him, I am sure Jason does not care where he sleeps but Mommy does! I promise this weekend I am going to start him in his room!!!
This Saturday we are going to our baby CPR class and that should be interesting! But it will make me feel better to know what to do JUST IN CASE!!!
Then we are planning and getting excited about our upcoming trip to Houston. Jason's first flight, I will have to update this blog when it gets closer and on how he does!
Well more later!
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